Sustainable Management

The company will continue to achieve sustainable growth based on trust, impression, balance and harmony.

Accompanied Growth

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Competition among individual companies has recently changed into competition among business ecosystems in the business environment, and the importance of related SMBs and strategic partnership has been increased for the purpose of enhancement of competitiveness.
Against this backdrop, SNNC is systematically pushing for enterprise-wide activities to realize accompanied growth for large companies and SMBs while introducing and operating accompanied growth programs in an effort to further strengthen accompanied growth along with SMBs.

Accompanied Growth Programs

1. Benefit Sharing Activities

It aims to attain localization and improvement in cooperation with suppliers and share achievements, and it has been implemented since 2009.

  1. It enables suppliers to improve constitution and reduce costs through autonomous improvement and allows SNNC to improve quality and cut costs.
  2. It compensates up to 50% of annual achievement and provides benefits in terms of long-term contract rights, expanded quantity and joint patents.
  3. Process
    • Selection of
    • Establishment of
      an implementation
    • Implementation of
    • Measurement of
    • Compensation for

2. Financial Support

In an effort to help SMBs resolve a lack of funds and liquidity, the company is offering holiday funds at an earlier date and operating such programs as POSCO Group Finance Support Program and Network Loan.

  1. Special Partnership Fund

    The program enables POSCO Group to open low-interest savings offered by banks and creates funds in cooperation with banks while allowing partner banks to make loans to SMBs with regard to low-interest funds of POSCO Group.

  2. Partner Support Fund

    A loan system where partner banks extend loans to SMBs based on financial resources supported by time deposit of POSCO Group

  3. POSCO Family Network Loan

    It is referred to as a program aimed to support liquidity by making loans based on contracts made by POSCO Group without addition guarantee and security (80% of contract amount)

  4. Provision of holiday funds at an earlier date

    It is referred to as activities aimed to provide funds prior to such holidays as Lunar New Year’s Day and Korean Thanksgiving Day for the purpose of supporting liquidity of companies conducting business with SNNC.

3. Management Consulting & Educational Support

The company is providing management consulting and educational programs through the use of specialists and facilities in POSCO Group for the purpose of improving competitiveness on the part of SMBs.

  1. Customized management consulting for SMBs

    The company is pursuing to improve core competence by supporting customized management consulting in an effort to help SMBs to resolve vulnerabilities and chronic problems.

  2. Management Doctor System

    The company is conducting an accompanied growth consulting program aimed to help large companies, SMBs and Management Consulting Division in the Federation of Korean Industries establish triangular cooperative system, improve management environment on the part of partner companies and resolve managerial difficulties.

  3. Job training consortium for SMBs

    The company is helping employees in SMBs improve job skills and develop talents by using educational resources in POSCO Group.

4. Technical Support

The company is operating such programs as Techno Partnership, New Purchase-Based Product Development and Joint Research with SMBs for the purpose of enhancing global competitiveness in the entire supply chain on the back of improved technological competitiveness on the part of SMBs.

  1. Techno Partnership

    The company is helping SMBs receive customized technological consulting and use research facilities for free by using experts in SNNC and POSCO Group.

  2. Development of New Purchase-Based Products

    If imports purchased by SNNC are localized or new products are developed, the company guarantees purchase of products for a certain period of time, facilitates technological development on the part of SMBs and helps lay the foundation for stabilized management.

  3. Joint research system for SMBs and support for application for joint patents

    It helps develop new technologies and commoditize newly developed technologies through joint research with SMBs equipped with manufacturing technology.