Sustainable Management

The company will continue to achieve sustainable growth based on trust, impression, balance and harmony.

Ethical Management

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Respect for Customers

The company cherishes customers’ trust and success and respects customers’ opinions all the time while understanding customers and creating value for customers.

Pleasant Work Place

The company pushes for personal growth and corporate development through balance between work and life and creates a pleasant work place on the back of mutually respectful corporate culture.

Co-existence Management

The company establishes fair trade order based on mutual trust and realizes co-existing corporate ecosystem through accompanied growth with stakeholders.

Environment Management

The company establishes environment management system, enhances competence to respond to environmental risks and conduct environmentally friendly management through open-minded communication.

Corporate Citizen

The company contributes to advancing the nation and the society by fulfilling responsibilities as a global corporate citizen.

Human Right Management

The company respects human rights, supports related international standards and assures respect for all stakeholders through freedom, safety and qualitative improvement of life.

Principled Management

The company settles ethical corporate culture by complying with laws and ethical standards through principled managerial activities.