The company will continue to achieve sustainable growth based on trust, impression, balance and harmony.
It aims to realize sound development of the national economy by enhancing efficiency of the economy and controlling economic concentration through promotion of fair and free competition.
Fair Trade Act was established to facilitate fair and free competition among companies and protect consumers. It lays the foundation for market economy system as Rule of Game in economic activities aimed to facilitate free and fair competition among companies.
Fair Trade Act is an acronym for Monopoly Regulations and Fair Trade Law (Antitrust Law), but in reality, it is the generic term for fair trade-related laws and regulations including Subcontracting Act (Fair Subcontracting Act), Contracts Act (Act on Contractual Regulations) and Labeling and Advertising Act (Fair Labeling and Advertising Act ) in addition to Monopoly Regulations and Fair Trade Law .
Monopoly Regulations and Fair Trade Law (Established on Dec. 31, 1980)